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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Electronic Thermo-hygrometer

“Easy to read” thermo-hygrometer

STHW Discontinued product

A thermometer and a hygrometer in the same unit. The big figures facilitate the indoor and outdoor temperature reading as well as the ambiant relative humidity reading.

Product images

  • STHW face


  • Easy to read numbers
  • Can be installed on walls or furniture
  • Waterproof exterior sensor with extremely thin cable (3 meters)That can be easily lead through the window sealing


  • White


  • Battery 1.5 V AAA (included)


  • 4 ¾ x 4 ¾ x 1 7/32 in.


  • Temperature: 1°C (1°F) humidity: 1 %


  • Indoor temperature 0°C ~ +50°C (32°F ~ 122°F)
  • Outdoor temperature -50°C ~ +70°C (-58°F ~ 158°F)
  • Humidity 15 % ~ 95 % (RH)


  • Electronic display of indoor humidity and indoor and outdoor temperatures
  • Switch for indoor/outdoor temperature display
  • Memory minimum & maximum values
  • Waterproof exterior sensor with cable (included)
  • Celsius and Fahrenheit switch


  • Wall mount hanger
  • Fold-out stand for free standing use
  • Sensor with extremely thin cable easily leading through the window sealing


  • One year