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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
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The importance of getting an electrician to install a unit

Stelpro’s high-performance, modern and functional products are sure to enhance your home’s comfort and will warm up the room as well as the ambiance. While they can be used in both new construction and renovation projects, it is always advisable to call upon the services of an electrician to install them. Here are a few good reasons why.


More than changing a light bulb or installing Christmas lights, being an electrician can be quite hazardous! Electrical work can lead to serious injuries and fatal accidents if not done by a professional. But the danger isn’t limited to when the work is done. Faulty connections, circuits or configurations can significantly increase the risk of fire. You can avoid these problems simply by not taking any chances.


Installing electrical systems is a complex task. While do-it-yourself renovations are very popular in Quebec, electrical work must be done by an electrical contractor who is a member of the CMEQ*. These certified professionals are the only ones who are authorized to install, renovate or modify electrical systems. Because they are experts in their field, they are familiar with each system’s specifications and know-how to get them to operate at their best. These experts provide a guarantee of quality and a job well done and protect you if anything goes wrong.


Did you know that electrical work in Canada is regulated by the Canadian Electrical Code, a set of rules and standards designed to ensure that electrical installations are properly done, functional and safe, and protect you? You may not be familiar with all the standards and regulations in effect, so it is best to hire an electrician who will know precisely how to perform the work so that it is fully compliant. From a real estate standpoint, note that the property assessment of a building whose electrical system fails to meet standards is likely to be negatively affected. It may be difficult for you to sell your home, or you may be forced to invest large sums of money to make the necessary corrections to bring the electrical system up to code.

Importance d’une installation effectuée par un électricien


Did you know that in addition to their expertise in electrical work, electricians also play an advisory role in choosing the systems and technologies that best meet your needs? They are the experts you need to help you choose the right products and the ideal place to install them, as well as to calculate the electrical power required depending on these choices.

Find your electrician for your next renovation project right here.

*CMEQ: Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec