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Since Tuesday, 02/23/2021 04:00
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Design and safety standards of electronic thermostats

Stelpro electronic thermostats are designed to meet the highest safety standards. Each unit is certified by agencies such as CSA, UL and TUV. Their seals of approval are widely recognized and accepted by the relevant authorities, safety inspectors and experts, code enforcers as well as major manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

The standards applicable to electronic thermostats make it possible to guarantee their safety fully during use, even in the event of a wrong product selection, incorrect installation or eventual failure.


All our housings are designed to withstand major impacts without exposing the user to possible electrical shocks. During testing, we drop a sphere two inches in diameter that weighs more than one pound from a height of 51 inches onto the device’s housing.


The materials used in the design of electronic boards and housings meet the UL94-5VA standard, which is the most stringent in terms of flame resistance. Even in the event of extreme electronic circuit failure, the housing must be able to contain flame propagation and ensure the protection of the users by not exposing any live component.


Transient phenomena: Electronic circuits are designed and tested to resist power surges, momentary interruptions, undervoltages and other transient network phenomena caused by lightning, power outages or any other event that affects power supply quality.

Electrical overloads: During testing, thermostat power circuits are overloaded with current representing more than 150% of their rated capacity. They must also withstand short-circuit tests that simulate a bad connection.


Electronic circuits are designed to remain safe even in the event certain critical components fail. During testing, failures are deliberately provoked to check the devices’ tolerance. Devices must remain safe at all times.

La qualité Stelpro


At Stelpro, we perform rigorous tests on every product we design to ensure they meet the safety standards of the countries where they are sold. For controls, we use the UL60730.

We also perform tests that go beyond what safety standards require, ensuring better quality and longer life for our products.

Our thermostats are subjected to a battery of intensive environmental tests under high-temperature and -humidity conditions, among other things. They must remain fully functional and safe.