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Privacy policy

Last update: June 25th 2024
This policy describes how Stelpro Design Inc. (“Stelpro”) collects, processes, uses and shares personal information and personal data about visitors and users of its website (the “Website“). This policy is only applicable to the Website and does not cover other activities of Stelpro.

In this policy, the term personal data refers to information that relates to an individual who is identifiable.

The contact details of the person responsible for this policy are as follows:
Yves Michel, Manager marketing communications
Stelpro Design Inc.
1041 Parent Street
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville QC J3V 6L7
[email protected]

Basis for Data Processing

In order to enable you to use the Website and the services offered through the Website, we must collect and process personal data about you. Our processing of personal data is mainly for the following purpose:

  • We must process some personal data in order to be able to provide you with services and to allow you to use the Website.
  • We process personal data to improve the quality of the Website, learn about the preferred browsing patterns of our visitors and carry out targeted promotional campaign based on Website traffic.

Data We Collect

Information that comes from you
We collect the information you provide to us (for example by completing a form) through the Website interface or otherwise. This information may include data described below:

Category of Data Purpose
Full name Contacting you
Email address Contacting you

Advertisement Retargeting

Products and services you are interested in Personalizing the Website

Advertisement Retargeting

Content of your communications Respond to your inquiries


Data Collected Automatically
We collect information automatically when you use the Website. This information is saved each time you interact with the Website and includes information about your device and data about your interactions with the Website, in particular:

Category of Data Purpose
  • Operating system of your device
  • Language setting of your device
  • IP Address
  • Country, State, City or postal code where your device is located
  • Personalizing the Website
  • Fraud and abuse detection
  • Advertisement Retargeting
  • Browsing Data, such as page viewed, number of connections to the Website, duration of a session, date of your connections to the Website, Products viewed
  • Page from which you accessed the Website.
  • Personalizing the Website
  • Fraud and abuse detection
  • Advertisement Retargeting


Data from Analysis Tools
When you access the Website, we collect data provided by analytics tools such as Google Analytics. This data may include, for example, sex, age, interests, but it is not associated with you personally and is provided to us in aggregated form.

Data From Social Networks
We collect information from sites or social networking applications (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, etc.) when you interact with profiles belonging to us. These sites or applications are also governed by their own policies regarding your personal data which may be different from ours and may be applicable.

We use cookies to improve the performance of the Website and your experience and to broadcast promotional content to targeted audiences. Cookies are small files saved on your hard drive by the Website’s server or third-party servers (for example ad servers) which allow your computer to be recognized and content to be personalized. Some cookies will be automatically erased when you shut down your browser whereas others are stored indefinitely. You may control how cookies are logged through your browser settings and disable the logging of some or all cookies on your computer, that could result in your inability to use some features of the Website. Unless you voluntarily provided us with information about yourself from your device, cookies are not associated with your identity. Some cookies are managed by our service providers which could be able to associate data collected through the Website with other data they hold about you.

How We Use your Data

We process personal data collected through the Website for the purposes described below.

Contacting You
We use the personal data you provided us (for example your name and email address) to contact you about your use of the Website, but only if you have provided such data and if you agree to receive communications from us. We abide by applicable regulations with respect to unwanted electronic communications. If you no longer wish to receive electronic communications from Stelpro, you can notify us at any time at the following address: [email protected].

Customizing Our Services and the Website
We use data collected automatically during your connection to the Website t to provide you with content that matches your interests or preferences. For example, the Website homepage could be customized based on your language preference and preferred products.

Website Maintenance
We use data collected through the Website and data collected from analytics tools to monitor usage of the Website generally, to prevent misuse of the Website, to identify problems or bugs on the Website and to determine which features we should improve. We may use certain data collected automatically to ensure the security of the Website and our computer systems, for example to prevent misuse.

Personalized marketing and retargeting
We use the data collected to customize our advertising campaigns based on certain data collected, such as your subscription to our newsletter, your interest in our products and services, and clickthrough data, such as the pages you visited or the products you viewed on the Website.

This data allows us to target audiences to partners offering advertising services.

How do we Store your Data?

We keep your personal data until you ask us to destroy it, until our activities no longer require keeping your data. We do not, however, undertake to keep any data for a determined period of time.

Personal data is stored electronically on servers located in the province of Quebec, Canada. These servers are operated by our hosting provider, Perimetre marketing Inc. which undertakes in writing to keep your personal data confidential.

Personal data collected about individuals located outside of Canada is transferred to Canada.

How Personal Data is Protected

Your personal data is hosted by our hosting provider, Perimetre marketing Inc. We ensure that personal data is protected by security measures proportional to their sensitivity.

Our employees and service providers are aware that the personal data collected through the Website is confidential and are informed about the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

How Personal Data is Disclosed

We only share your personal data as described in this policy or when we have your consent. Your personal data may be disclosed to the categories of recipients described below for the purposes mentioned.

Collected personal data is only available to our officers and employees who must access it for the purposes described in this policy.

Service Providers
We share some personal data with service providers that enable us to render our services more efficiently. These providers agree in writing to keep personal data confidential and to limit their use of personal data to what is necessary to provide their services or in compliance with their own policies regarding privacy or data protection. Our service providers include the following entities:


Provider Details Links
Aut O’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd. (WordPress) The Website is hosted and runs on WordPress.

WordPress collects and uses data as stated in Automattic’s privacy notice (the corporation operating WordPress)

Privacy Notice:
Facebook Inc. We use a “Facebook Pixel” on the Website.

Our Facebook Pixel allows Facebook to collect some information about events on the Website, such as pages visited or products viewed.

Sharing data with Facebook allows the customization of our advertising campaigns on Facebook.

Data collected by Facebook is used in conformity with Facebook Data Policy.

Facebook Data Policy:


To learn more about Facebook Pixels:

Google, LLC We use Google Analytics services on the Website; We use Google Ads and Google Tag Manager services in order to personalize our advertising campaigns;

Google Analytics provides information about the behaviour of Website visitors, including through the use of cookies which allow Google to collect information about certain events on the Website such as the pages you visit, the length of a session or the products you view;

Data transmitted to Google is used to customize advertising campaigns on the Google ad network based on these behaviours;

Google Privacy Policy:


Google’s use of data from third-party websites:


To learn more about Google Analytics:

The Rocket Science Group LLC (Mailchimp) We use Mailchimp’s services in order to manage outgoing emails, notably our advertising or promotional e-mail campaigns and to analyze the effectiveness of these campaigns.

Mailchimp uses certain data collected in accordance with its privacy policy (see Section 3 about “Contacts”).

Mailchimp Privacy Policy


Notice about cookies

Périmètre Marketing Inc.  Périmètre provides data hosting solutions.
Salesforce, Inc. We use Salesforce services to manage our contact lists, to explore business opportunities, and to send newsletters to our customers and professional contacts.
Salesforce uses certain collected data in accordance with its privacy policy.
Privacy policy:


Legal Obligations
We may also disclose personal data to third parties if the law expressly authorizes or requires such disclosure, or if we are ordered to do so by a competent authority. We may disclose personal data in the context of court proceedings if necessary to protect our rights or those of our users.

Sale of Business
In the event that the sale or restructuring of all or part of our business is envisioned, we may disclose collected personal data to the persons or organizations involved before and after the transaction, whether or not it takes place. In such a case, these persons or organizations undertake to keep disclosed personal data confidential and to use same exclusively in order to evaluate the feasibility or the opportunity of the proposed transaction as well as in accordance with this policy.

What are your Rights about your Personal Data

Access your data
To access the personal data that we hold about you or to rectify personal data that is incorrect, you may make a request in writing to the following address: [email protected] or to the address of the data controller at the beginning of this policy.
We will respond to your request promptly (within 30 days of receipt), allowing you to access your personal date that is under our control. When required by law, we will provide your data in a portable machine-readable format.

Withdrawal of Consent
Your web browser allows you to withdraw your consent to certain processing of your personal data, including by refusing the logging of cookies.

If you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data beyond what the Website or your browser allows, please notify us in writing at [email protected]. It is not possible to stop all processing of your personal data and continue using the Website. The only way to stop all processing of your personal data is to stop using the Website.

You may request the erasure of personal data that we hold about you in writing at [email protected]. We will respond to your request as soon as possible (within 30 days of receipt).

If you continue to use the Website after your personal data has been erased, we will continue collect certain data about you.

Stelpro is governed by the laws and regulations applicable in Canada and subject to the jurisdiction of Canadian privacy authorities. Any complaint or claim based on this policy or on the processing of your personal data by Stelpro should be addressed to the Canadian authorities.

We reserve the right to verify the identity of individuals requesting access to personal data. Any information collected to perform this verification will not be used for any other purpose.

Updates to This Policy

We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes in our personal data management practices. If this policy is modified, the new policy will be available through the Website and on our website at the following URL:

If you provided us with your email address, we will notify you of any material changes to our privacy policy by email prior to the coming into force of the new policy.

Additional Information

For any additional information concerning the processing of your personal data, you may contact us using the contact information at the beginning of this Policy.