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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Non-Programmable Electronic Thermostats for Baseboards, Convectors and Fan Heaters

TL116A1008 Discontinued product

This highly efficient and accurate analog thermostat with precise and reliable electronics meets energy efficiency standards.

Product images

  • TL116A1008 | FACE


  • Can operate devices up to 3000 W
  • Suitable for most applications
  • Precise control


  • White


  • Molded plastic


  • Min: 1.5 A @ 120 V – 240 V
  • Max: 12.5 A @ 120 V – 240 V


  • Two-wire connection (single-pole model)
  • Temperature in degrees Celsius
  • Temperature sensing with thermistor


  • 5 to 27 °C (40 to 81 °F)


  • One year