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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Electronic Thermostat – Single Programming

Small, practical and efficient!

STE252NP+ Discontinued product

The Stelpro STE252NP single programming electronic thermostat is the thermostat of choice if your capacity requirement doesn't exceed 2500 W. It can control electronic convectors, electric baseboards and other heating units (including forced-air units) with precision. Good for small- and medium-sized rooms such as living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Product images


  • Simple to use and install
  • Discreet and compact Incomparable accuracy
  • Increased savings and comfort
  • Backlit screen Can be used as a nightlight


  • White


  • Molded plastic


  • 150 W to 1250 W @ 120 V
  • 260 W to 2160 W @ 208 V
  • 300 W to 2500 W @ 240 V


  • Two- or four-wire connection
  • Acts like a programmable thermostat by automatically lowering the temperature once per 24-hour period (Single programming mode)
  • Compatible with forced-air units (Fan mode)
  • Frost-free warning
  • Lock option at a maximum temperature setpoint (Security mode)
  • Display in Celsius or Fahrenheit


  • Accurate ambient temperature control of ± 0.5 °C (1°F)
  • CSA C828-13
  • Temperature sensing with thermistor



  • 3 to 30 °C (37 to 86 °F)


  • Three years

* independent study